יום שני, 14 ביוני 2010

Kofta with Tahini Sauce

900 gram minced lamb
1 finly chopped medium onion
1 1/2 finly chopped parsley
Salt and black pepper

1 t. cinnamon
450 gram potatoe sliced round
1 cup of Tahini
Lemon juice from 3 lemons
Pine nuts for decoration
1 1/2 cup of vegetable oil for frying potatoe
Mix the meat, parsley, salt, papper and cinnemon together in a bowl with the help of your hands
In another bowl mix the tahini and lemon juice and add water to make the tahini sauce
Fry the potatoe slices in the vegetable oil and then place the potatoe slices in the bottom of a pan
above the meat put the round shape meat and put the baking pan in the oven for 15 minutes
after 15 minutes remove it from the oven and pour tahini sauce over the potatoe and meat
Put it back in the oven for another 30 minutes
Decorate it with pine nuts and serve it with white rice.

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