יום שני, 5 ביולי 2010

Apple Filled Sweet Buns

2 eggs
250 gr butter/margarine (2 sticks) at room temperature
2 tbsp yogurt
5 cups all purpose flour
½ cup sugar

1 tsp/1 package baking powder
2 tsp/2 package vanilla
½ cup coconut, finely shredded

For Filling:
3-4 apple, peeled and shredded
¼ cup sugar
½ cup hazelnuts/walnuts, crushed (optional)
1 tbsp cinnamon
1½ cup water
1 ½-2 cups sugar
1 tsp lemon juice
First prepare the syrup, because you will use pour cooled syrup over the hot cookies. In a saucepan, place sugar and water. Bring to a boil and simmer for 3-4 minutes. Stir in lemon juice and turn the heat off. Let it cool.
Place all the filling ingredients, but the nuts and cinnamon a saucepan/pot. Cook over low-medium heat, till the mixture gets brownish and thickens (for about 10-12 minutes). Then, stir in nuts and cinnamon. Set aside to cool.
In a large bowl, mix sugar, melted margarine/butter, eggs and yogurt using a mixer. Slowly add flour, baking powder and vanilla and knead with your hands till the dough gets soft and non sticky as cookie dough. Cover and leave the dough aside for 15 minutes.
Grab walnut size dough pieces and flatten them with a rolling pin or just use your palms for flattening. Place ½-1 tbsp filling in the middle and close it up, giving a ball shape. Then, place it on a greased oven tray upside down (closing side will be touching the tray). Bake them in a preheated 375 F (190 C) oven till they get lightly pink. Do not over bake. Immediately pour the cooled syrup all over the cookies. Or dip them in syrup. Do not leave them in syrup more than 10 minutes, otherwise they will be crumbly. Finally dip and roll the sweet buns in shredded coconut, making sure the tops are covered with coconut.
Then place them a serving plate. You can store them in fridge as long as they are sealed well.
This recipe makes approximately 20 pieces.

יום חמישי, 24 ביוני 2010

Fried Empanadas

For the Argentina Winning last night I am introducing a popular recipe from Argentina
Fried Empanadas
The way of making this food takes 3 steps:
Step 1:

3 cups all purpose flour
1 egg (this will be beaten)
1 cup of lard
4 tablespoons of water


Mix the flour and lard togther.
Mix the egg thoroughly with a fork (or a mixer).
Stir the egg in to the flour and lard mixture. Mix it in to a dough.
Begin to add the water slowly, one spoonful at a time. Continue until you have a soft dough.
Knead the dough until it is soft and elasticy.
Let the dough sit for 25-35min.

Step 2:
Make the Filling:

1 pound of lean ground beef
2 large onions, diced
2 scallion onions, diced
1 tablespoon paprika
3 hard boiled eggs
green olives (if desired)
Add salt to taste (Argentina food tends to use more salt)
1/2 cup of boiling water or broth


Cook the onions until they turn brown.
Add the ground beef to the onions, stir until it changes color.
Add diced scallions, paprika and boiling (broth or water).
Stir until the food forms a thick mixture.
Remove from fire and let cool.
Add chopped green olives, and thinly diced hard boiled eggs.

Step 3:

Finishing the Empanada:

1/2 cup of lard

Prepared empanada filling
Prepared empanada dough


Heat the lard in a large iron pan or skillet.
Roll the empanada dough out flat. This can be done on any non-wood surface.
Cut the dough into circles, a small soup bowl can help with the cutting.
Add 1 abundant tablespoon of filling to each circle of dough.
You are going to close the dough around the filling. Wet the edges with water and then press with your fingers to seal the empanada.
Place the sealed empanadas in the hot iron pan and fry until lightly browned

יום ראשון, 20 ביוני 2010


Since yesterday Brazil Football team win the game I decided to make a brazilian cake and it is made with banana and brazilian nuts and here it is:

2 c. all-purpose flour
3/4 tsp. baking soda
1/2 c. soft butter
2 eggs
1/4 c. buttermilk
3/4 c. chopped Brazil nuts or almonds
slightly sweetened whipped cream
1/4 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. baking powder
1 1/2 c. granulated sugar
1/4 c. mashed bananas (2)
1 tsp. vanilla

In a bowl, combine flour, salt, baking soda and baking powder. In a larger bowl, cream together butter and sugar until fluffy. Add eggs, one at a time, beating thoroughly after each addition. Beat in bananas. Add flour mixture, buttermilk and vanilla. Beat until blended. Stir in nuts. Turn batter into 2 greased and lightly floured 9-inch layer cake pans. Bake at 350° for 25 minutes or until tester inserted near the center comes out clean. Let stand in pans on wire rack for 5 minutes. Turn out. Turn top side up. Cool. Spread whipped cream on top and sides with remaining cream. Slice. Serve.

Football Food

As now everyone is busy with the football world cup and here is no time to cook I fond some easy recipes for quick food that is really suitable for the time of watching bootball games.

1) Potatoe Dip:

•2 cups frozen Ore-Ida Mashed Potatoes (firmly packed)
•1 cup milk
•½ cup light or regular ranch salad dressing
•½ cup plum tomatoes, chopped
•½ cup red, orange and/or yellow bell peppers, chopped
•¼ cup pitted Kalamata or ripe olives, chopped
•¼ cup red onion or chives, chopped
•¼ teaspoon each salt and freshly ground black pepper, or to taste
Prepare potatoes according to package directions using 1 cup milk for 6 minutes in microwave (3-4 minutes on stovetop). Stir remaining ingredients into potatoes; cover and chill at least 2 hours before serving. Serve with pita or bagel chips and fresh vegetable dippers, such as wedges of bell peppers, carrots and celery sticks. Makes 3 cups.

2) Fast Football Franks

•1 cup Heinz Ketchup ®
•1 pound cocktail franks
•1-2 tablespoons chopped jalapeño peppers
•½ cup grape jelly
•1 can (8 ounces) undrained crushed pineapple in juice
Combine ketchup, pineapple, grape jelly and jalapeño peppers. Cook over medium heat, stirring until jelly is melted. Stir in cocktail franks; heat. Serve warm with toothpicks. Makes 12-15 servings.

3) Touchdown Tuna Pizza

1 pouch (7 ounces) StarKist Premium Chunk White Albacore Tuna
¼ cup olive oil
2 anchovy fillets (optional)
3 large garlic cloves
1 cup fresh basil
2 tablespoons fresh oregano
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 pre-baked 12-inch pizza crust
2 cups shredded mozzarella crust
1 can (2 ¼ ounces) sliced black olives, drained
1 large tomato, diced
1 jar (6 ½ ounces) marinated artichoke hearts, drained
½ cup sliced red onion
1 medium green pepper, sliced into rings
2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese

Preheat oven to 400° F. Puree olive oil, artichokes, garlic, basil, oregano and pepper until almost smooth. Place prebaked pizza crust on foil-covered or greased pizza pan. Brush processed pesto mixture onto pizza crust. Scatter tuna, olives, tomato, artichoke hearts, onions and green pepper rings equally over crust. Top pizza with remaining mozzarella and Parmesan cheese.

Bake for 20 minutes or until cheese is melted and brown. Cool 5 minutes before cutting. Makes 8-10 slices.

יום שישי, 18 ביוני 2010

Pancakes- exactly like the ones made in resturants


3 large eggs

150 grams plain flour (or half cup)

2 tablespoons sugar

Cup milk or (375 ml)

4 tablespoons butter or vegetable oil

A small teaspoon of vanilla extrac


1) In a large bowl Beat the eggs. In a separate bowl put flour and sugar and pour it gradually into the milk, stirring constantly Stir well to prevent formation of lumps. Pour the mixture into the bowl of the eggs and stir well. Cover with plastic wrap and store in the refrigerator 30 minutes.

2) Beat the mixture before frying. Melt butter or tablespoon of vegetable oil in a small frying pan, Pour the mixture into the panin a circle shape and fry over medium heat until beginning to bubble over the mixture and then the bottom becomes golden.

3)when it turns golden brown pancakes slide to plate.

Continue doing so until all the mixture prepared and keep the pancakes in one heap.

White shoes for every bride

I saw these great white shoes and want to share it with you enjoy!

יום שני, 14 ביוני 2010

Sayadia - Rice with Fish

2 pieces of fish fillet
2 cups of rice
1 chopped onion and 1 chopped toamtoe
2 garlic cloves
1/4 cup of chopped korianda
Salt and Black Pepper
Fish Seasoning
Cinnemon and Korianda seasoning
Wash the fish with water and sprinkle salt of it and let it rest aside
after 15 minutes wash with water again and dry with a papper towel
Season the fish with spices and fry it for few minutes
in another pan fry the onion and the tomatoe and the garlic and spice it a little
Add the fish and cover with water till it cover the fish add more salt and the rice and leave it to cook till the water disappers and the rice is done.